Gennadius Library, American School of Classical Studies at Athens

Gennadius Library, American School of Classical Studies at Athens

Copies (66)
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Author Title Date Photos Copies in Greece
Aesopus 1497
Aesopus c. 1498
Apollonius Rhodius 1496
Aristophanes 1498
Aristoteles 1476
Aristoteles 1479
Aristoteles 1495-1498
Bessarion, Cardinal 1471
Boccaccio, Giovanni 1494/1495
Campanus, Johannes Antonius c. 1488-1490
Caorsin, Guilelmus 1480
Cebes c. 1496
Short Description
The Gennadius Library of the American School of Classical Studies at Athens is an internationally renowned research institute as well as an important cultural center. The library opened in 1926, with a collection of 26,000 volumes bequeathed to it by diplomat and bibliophile Ioannis Gennadius. Its subjects focus on Hellenism, Greece, and neighboring civilizations from antiquity to modern times. Today it houses over 145,000 titles and its rare materials collections include archives, works of art, maps, manuscripts and early printed books.