Library of the Hellenic Parliament

Library of the Hellenic Parliament

Copies (23)
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Author Title Date Photos Copies in Greece
Aristophanes 1498
Aristoteles 1495-1498
Aristoteles 1495-1498
Aristoteles 1482
Beroaldus, Philippus 1499
Beroaldus, Philippus 1499
Beroaldus, Philippus 1497
Beroaldus, Philippus 1498
Beroaldus, Philippus 1499
Beroaldus, Philippus 1500
Chrysoloras, Emanuel c. 1475-1476
Cicero, Marcus Tullius 1481
Short Description
The Library of the Hellenic Parliament was founded by the first Parliament that was formed after the passing of the Constitution of 1844, as a general library with the main purpose of supporting parliamentary work. Since the 20th century the Library also has offered access to its collections and parliamentary information to the general public. It is a National Depository Centre. Today the library holds over 750,000 items and its collections of rare materials include some 500 manuscripts and 10,000 early printed books.