Onassis Library

Copies (17)
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Author Title Date Photos Copies in Greece
Ammonius Hermiae 1500
Apollonius Rhodius 1496
Aristophanes 1498
Crastonus, Johannes 1497
Dioscorides 1499
Firmicus Maternus, Julius 1499
Gaza, Theodorus 1495
Homerus 1488/1489
Isocrates 1493
Lucianus Samosatensis 1496
Marullus, Michael c. 1483-1490
Marullus, Michael 1497
Short Description
The Onassis Library is part of the Onassis Foundation. Its vision is to preserve and disseminate the rich cultural heritage of our country as perpetual property of the Greek Nation. The Library holds the Cavafy Archive, as well as two important collections of early printed books: the Hellenic Library (K. Staikos' book collection) and the Travel Accounts book collection.